2/4 Motors not spinning

We have an issue where two of our four motors will not spin. We can switch the two functioning motors with the two non functioning motors and then the two non function will work but the function will not. We have checked continuity from the FC to the ESC and have no issues. We have double and triple checked that the wires and their respective connections. We also built a second wiring harness just in case. We have replaced the ESC with a new one. We have tried a different PWM. We have tried different batteries.

When I look in QGC at the parameters for the PWM Out, I noticed a few parameters were in red. I’ve attached pictures for this.
PWM Main

Any help would be appreciated.


your problem seems kind of similar to this post, but I may be mistaken…
I’m not sure if this solution would work for you, but might be worth a try.

Thanks for the reply.

We did try switching leads and it does reverse direction of the motors but it only works for operational motors. It did not cause inop motors to start working.

What airframe do you have selected?

S500 Generic

Please take a look at this video. Do all of your motors make the full 5 beeps?

They do not. 2 beep and 2 do not.

So 2 of the 4 make no sound at all? Or do they make the initial 3 beeps but not the final 2.

Motor 1 - 3 beeps
Motor 2 - 5 beeps
Motor 3 - 5 beeps
Motor 4 - 3 beeps.

Motors 2 & 3 operate. Motors 1 and 4 do not.

Any update on possible solutions?

We’ve asked for a new FC, hoping that may be the problem, but haven’t heard if one is coming.

Hey @JNeaves this means that your ESC cant see the input from your flight controller. Can you double check that your connections from the FC to the ESC are solid?

If you pull the dupont connector from the flight controller from channel 2 and place it in channel 1, and repeat your test, does motor give 5 beeps?

Same for channel 4, if you pull the cable from the FC channel 3 and plug it into channel 4, does motor 4 give 5 beeps?

From the PWM Controller:
Pin 1: connected to all 4 ESC inputs: Green, Orange, Yellow and Blue, no motor beeps on any of the 4 motors.
Pin2: connected to all 4 ESC inputs: Green, Orange, Yellow and Blue, All 4 motors beeped
Pin 3: connected to all 4 ESC inputs: Green, Orange, Yellow and Blue, no motor beeps on any of the 4 motors.
Pin4: connected to all 4 ESC inputs: Green, Orange, Yellow and Blue, All 4 motors beeped

All connections are solid.

When moving the connectors around we can get the motors to beep if they are plugged into channel 2 or 3. If any motor is plugged into channel 1 or 4 it will not beep.

New FC solved the problem.