2023 Game Q&A Process

Hello Teams,
The 2023 Bell AVR Competition was officially released today. The kick-off video and game manual can be found on the REC Foundation website.

If you have a clarifying question about this year’s game that needs an official answer, please post those questions to the “2023 Game Q&A” Channel. @Jeremiah_M has been designated this year to provide official responses. Responses from any other person on the forum will not be considered official.

Have a great season!

This year, the competition seems to rely on a lot of field measurements, and my school doesn’t have the space for a full size field. Will the official fields be available on competition sites before the competitions start?

Can I arrive a day early to test out whether my team’s auton routes scale up properly with the real fields?

@Jonah Teams will typically not be able to arrive a day early to test their auton routes on the competition field. There will be a scrimmage event at UTA on November 3rd that teams are encouraged to attend, if possible, to test their designs and programs. At most events, the competition fields will be available to do measurements during the Team Check-in period (8:00am - 9:00am) but teams are not typically not permitted to use their drones or land vehicles during that time on the competition field.

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Neat! I never knew about the scrimmage events, so that’s good to know.

Too bad there’s only one in the country though. I’m still trying to scrape up the money just to go to a local competition, and a flight to Texas would just sweep out our entire budget.