2023 Bell AVR Competition Kick-off

The REC Foundation and Bell are excited to kick-off another season with all of you. My name is Lisa Schultz and I’m your REC Foundation Program Manger for this season. Please check out our kick-off email that was sent to teams that includes the links to the new game and other valuable resources.

Questions this season?
Below is your support team this year, and we are here to help your team with your questions. Please be on the lookout for users with a sheild badge next to their name to indicate they are an official moderator this year.

@ShelliB Shelli Brasher will be your REC Foundation Regional Support Manager, and can answer your questions about team and event registration.
@Andrew_R @Phantom_BELL @nathan Andrew, Al’ Amin, and Nathan can provide Bell AVR Drone Technical Support.
@Jeremiah_M Jeremiah will be the Head Referee at the UTA events and will be officially answering the 2023 Game Q&A questions.

Have a great competition season, and we look forward to seeing you at events.