QGroundControl-Pixhawk Connection Issues

Our team is having issues getting QGroundControl to connect to the drone over USB. I think it may be an issue with our Windows machine but I am not sure. I have included an image of the console if that is helpful. When we plug in the USB-c cable to the Pixhawk, the computer will make noise like it connects to the computer, disconnects, then reconnects again. However, we aren’t ever able to get the Pixhawk to show up in QGroundControl.

Pixhawk 6 requires a daily build of QGC. It doesn’t look like you are on that version based on the screenshot. Go here:

and follow the link to the download page. Here is a direct link for reference:


That should hopefully pick up the Pixhawk connection over USB. Let us know if you continue to have problems.

I have clicked that link and downloaded at least ten different times because everything I have read says to download that to fix the issue. When I say downloaded multiple times, I mean wiping the computer and only downloading from this year’s links, as well as, uninstalling/re-installign QGroundControl MULTIPLE times. We have been going at this for two weeks now. I do not know what else to do.

@CourtneyCarlton sorry to hear that and hopefully we can get you sorted out. The reason I mentioned QGC daily is because the original screenshot just shows QGroundControl in the application window. Here is my current daily version:


Can you confirm when you open QGC you see “QGroundControl Daily”? If you do then try checking your COM&LPT ports in Device Manager. Here’s mine with Pixhawk connected. Yours will not necessarily be COM3 but do you see anything? If not, try unplugging and plugging back in.


Let us know and we can take it from there.

I wiped it all clean again and uploaded everything one more time today and thank the Lord, it worked! BUT…… now I can’t calibrate ESCs. I have gone through and all the wiring appears to be correct. When I connect the battery, the sounds start up and then QGroundControl doesn’t recognize that it’s hooked up and times out. Any ideas of what else to look for? Thank you for all your help!