New Bell Avr Libraries Version

Hello, @nathan
So when I was trying to update my code for the new version released yesterday I was running into an error saying that no matching distribution was found, and I’m not really sure where to go from here. If anyone has any suggestions it would be appreciated!

The issue you’re running into is that you’re running building the sandbox container with the script:

cd ~/AVR-2022/VMC
./ build sandbox

You’re trying to install bell-avr-libraries on the Jetson operating system itself, and the Jetson comes with a much older version of Python than we support.

Would there be be any way to fix this issue?

Sorry, I forgot a few words while typing last night. You want to update the requirements.txt file in VMC/sandbox, then rebuild with the command above.

You shouldn’t be running pip install while logged in to your drone directly.

Oh okay, thank you so much!