Can you rebuild the 2021 UAV to fit the 2022 UAV?

We are from one of the early teams that competed in the 2021 game, and we still have that drone fully assembled. We wanted to know if we could find a list of the parts from the 2021 drone so that we could compare that and the list from the current model and buy the necessary parts without needing to buy an entirely new drone.

That would be pretty challenging. The biggest differences are in no particular order:

  • Custom frame
  • Custom motors
  • New battery
  • Thermal camera + Gibmal
  • ZED Mini to replace Intel Realsenes T265
  • New WiFi antennas
  • DJI Tello

Really about the only thing that stays the same is the Jetson, PCC, and Spheros. Nearly everything else is new, and much of not commercially available. I’m not sure if a partial kit of this magnitude could even be arranged.

@LSchultz_RECF ?

@nathan @williang RECF does not have the 2021 list of parts, but the 2023 KOPs can be found here, if that is helpful for purchasing needed parts. We do have a limited number of additional new kits that returning teams can purchase for $1500 + shipping. If that is something your team is interested in, please complete this form.