Hi, we were wondering if there was any sort of summary of what every folder is in the AVR software
I’m guessing you’re referring to the AVR-2022 repository?
If you are, then:
- GUI: All of the code relating to the AVR Ground Control software. You’ll be running this on your flight engineer’s laptop and not the drone itself.
- PCC: Peripheral Control Computer Firmware. You’ll really only need to mess with this once you finish assembling the PCC and need to flash its firmware to it.
- PX4: All of the parameters and data needed for the PX4 flight controller that’s aboard the AVR drone.
- VMC: The code that runs on the Jetson Nano aboard the AVR drone; it controls MQTT, the PCC, Apriltag scanning, position hold, and thermal readouts and gives you an access point to control the drone from the laptop. Getting all of the required packages can be a bit tricky due to school WIFI censors; I had to rig up a system that hosted a VPN on one laptop, which was then sent via ethernet to the VMC, and then have a second laptop ssh’ed into the VMC to manage everything.
Apart from the initial setup, you’ll mainly work in the VMC and GUI folders on the drone itself and the flight engineer’s laptop, respectively.
Hope this helps,
Yes the AVR-2022, thank you for the help!
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