Sphero color squares

Where could I find the color squares to print for the rvr?

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You should have received a set of the color squares inside of your Sphero RVR kit but if you are a returning team, you might have lost or thrown away the color squares.

Regardless of whether you have the Sphero RVR color squares, you can make your own color squares with whatever colors you would like to use for your practice court. When you get to the competition events, you will need to recalibrate the RVR color sensor to align with the color squares which will be on the competition courts. This recalibration will be beneficial for all teams at the competition events, since different lighting at the competition venue might be different from your practice settings. You can find more information at the Sphero website: Sphero Edu

Is there time before competitions for teams to walk onto the field and do calibration of this nature?

@Jonah Most events this season have time in the morning before the Opening Ceremonies for teams to have access to the field to take measurements and perform color calibrations. Flying or driving vehicles during this time is not allowed due to safety issues. Teams should check in with the Head Referee or an RECF staff person at the event to determine if they can get access to the field when they arrive to the event.

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