Dexi Website not working

In the Dexi wiring video Denis went to the website while connected to a Dexi Wifi and takes him to a website about the dexi scmatics.When we tried to do do the same thing it says either check your wifi or it wont connect.

Are you able to ping DEXI when you connect to its network?


If so, then SSH in:

ssh dexi@

And then run the following

docker ps -a

You should see our web container running. It gets pulled from here when we build the DEXI-OS image:

That has a bunch of the tools to make development easier. Let us know what you find out!

We are not able to ping the Dexi because it says there is not internet connection.

Try updating the dexi.

Video on how to update:

Forum post about intermittent WiFi and explanation on why:

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We updated the Dexi OS and were able to use the dashboard at Though now, we are no longer able to use the GUI. We got the error: “Somebody could be doing something nasty.” Any ideas on how to fix this? Thank you!

Are you seeing that error in the GUI or SSH? If SSH this is a common problem after flashing because when you connect via SSH there is information stored in a “known_hosts” file. More info here: Fix "Warning: Remote Host Identification Has Changed" Error

Assuming you aren’t managing other remote hosts with SSH keys then just delete everything and save the file. Or if you want to be more careful about it identify any line starting with and delete those lines. Save the file and then you’ll be able to connect again.

The artical helped us the resolve the issue! Thank You

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