When ever we try to connect to node red on visual studios it gives us this error.
Thank you
Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name “/dexi-node-red” is already in use by container “0139bb9efff063e538a9e1577e2a59d17ae550dc1de6d1ca5f8d3c0074c5f906”. You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.
We were able to run the code. But the Flow folder on VS code did not pop up like it said in the tutorial.
Are you able to access the node-red server at:
Can you also share a screenshot of your VS Code settings?
We were able to fix the issue. But in the topic section for coding the IR sensor we could not see the gpio 22 option.
Make sure you have the latest image flashed:
This will have GPIO and April Tag services running and you should see the GPIO topic.