ANNOUNCEMENT: DEXI Infrared Beam Detection and LED Ring Requirements

We had the chance to do some test flights with @Rohn on a practice field last week. The 2024 field looks amazing! One thing we realized that will lead to confusion with judging is that the standard LED ring colors are represented by:

  • White: Stabilized flight mode
  • Yellow : Altitude flight mode
  • Green: Position flight mode

There is a conflict with the white LED for stabilized flight mode and the requirement to turn the LED white when detecting the IR emitter. So we are making a small change to the requirements that you must flash your LED white at least 3 times when detecting the IR emitter.

Please feel free to follow up with any questions or concerns.

Are we allowed to use a color other than white as the “default”, i.e. if the LED strip is constantly being set to red, and when it detects the IR beam it flashes white three times before going back to red, is that okay?

This would be nice for team aesthetics, as the DEXI LED could have team colors when not otherwise flashing the LEDs

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Personally I love this idea, but one hiccup comes to mind unless your team has considered it. There is a requirement to turn DEXI’s LED ring red when the appropriate april tag is detected. I’m wondering how you (and the judges) will be able to differentiate if your ring is always red? Maybe there’s another default team color you could use? We do have a ROS2 service that allows you to light up individual pixels so that could be another option. Here is a Node-RED rainbow animation I experimented with the other day: node-red-dexi/flows/led_rainbow.json at main · DroneBlocks/node-red-dexi · GitHub

and in the same breath I’ll say that while the animation is cool please keep in mind the more logic/services you have running will lead to greater system load. Just want to call that out because while it’s cool to have all the bells and whistles it could lead to further complexity!

Good luck!

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